
833 Items found

Nov 01, 2013

Earth-​​based startup gets a boost from space

Two weeks after being named a finalist in Mass­Chal­lenge, the world’s largest ven­ture accel­er­ator, North­eastern spinoff Quad Tech­nolo­gies has been selected to receive a $45,000 award from the Center for the Advance­ment of Sci­ence in Space as part of the accel­er­ator program’s “sidecar challenge.” Quad Tech­nolo­gies was one of eight star­tups selected by CASIS through the Mass­Chal­lenge Startup Accel­er­ator at […]

Chemical Engineering

Oct 29, 2013

Fueling Economic Growth

ECE & ChE Professor Vincent Harris’s company Metamagnetics, which develops radar and communication electronics for military applications, is a prime example of small companies fueling economic growth. Source: News @ Northeastern Uni­ver­sity Dis­tin­guished Pro­fessor Vin­cent Harris had been devel­oping novel mate­rials at the Naval Research Lab­o­ra­tory for almost 15 years when he founded Meta­m­ag­netics, a small […]

Chemical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering

Oct 28, 2013

Prestigious Lecture Award

Chemical Engineering Professor and Chair of Department Thomas Webster will be awarded the 11th Annual Sahaj Memorial Lecture Award from the Indian Ceramic Society at their annual meeting for his expertise in Bioceramics. The Indian Ceramic Society (InCerS), a non-profit organization, was established in 1928 with the blessings and active support of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya, the […]

Chemical Engineering

Oct 17, 2013

Northeastern startup named finalist in global competition

On their first day of grad­uate school at North­eastern, Sean Kevlahan told Adam Hatch of his ambi­tious vision: Hatch would invent some­thing amazing, and Kevlahan would help him sell it. Four years later, their biotech­nology startup Quad Tech­nolo­gies has made it to the final round of the pres­ti­gious 2013 Mass­Chal­lenge, an annual global startup com­pe­ti­tion […]

Chemical Engineering

Sep 25, 2013

The ultimate molecular chess match

For the last two decades, it’s been said that carbon nan­otubes hold the promise to trans­form a range of fields, from alter­na­tive energy to drug delivery. But making that happen has proved dif­fi­cult, according to Hicham Fen­niri, an inter­na­tional leader in nan­otech­nology and new pro­fessor in Northeastern’s Col­lege of Engi­neering. “Carbon nan­otubes are fas­ci­nating mate­rials,” said Fen­niri, […]

Chemical Engineering

Sep 25, 2013

Congratulations to NU AIChE

The American Institute of Chemical Engineers is a national organization that caters to the needs of Chemical Engineers. The organization fosters connections between Undergraduate students, Graduate students, and Professions in the Chemical Engineering field. AIChE exists to promote excellence in the Chemical Engineering profession. The organization also strives to promote good ethics, diversity and lifelong […]

Chemical Engineering

Sep 18, 2013

Carrier to Represent NU

Chemical Engineering Associate Professor Rebecca Carrier is one of only 73 young engineers in the country to be invited to attend the National Academy of Engineering’s Frontiers of Engineering Education Symposium.  Founded in 1964, the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) is a private, independent, nonprofit institution that provides engineering leadership in service to the nation. […]

Chemical Engineering

Sep 17, 2013

A storm in our veins

Sup­pose you’re hiking through the forest on a sunny after­noon as a light breeze passes through the trees, gently grazing your skin. Sud­denly the sky opens up and a rain­storm ensues. The trees keep you dry, but the weather worsens and 50 mile-​​per-​​hour winds start knocking down trees, leaving you unprotected. This is sim­ilar to […]

Chemical Engineering