
833 Items found

Feb 13, 2014

Rebecca Carrier advances drug delivery

Rebecca Carrier, Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering Scientists and doctors have long known that food digestion affects the way the body absorbs not just nutrients, but also drugs. Fat molecules, in particular, can help people absorb drugs, including oral chemotherapy treatments, more efficiently. What we have yet to discover are the details of this process […]

Chemical Engineering

Feb 12, 2014

West Awarded DNI Grant

ChE Assistant Professor Richard West was awarded an $100K Doctoral New Investigator (DNI) grant from the American Chemical Society. Dr. West/s main research focuses are catalysis, modeling and simlulation.

Chemical Engineering

Jan 13, 2014

Webster Selected Fellow

Chemical Engineering professor and Chair of department Thomas Webster was selected as a Fellow of the Ernst Strüngmann Forum, which is dedicated to the promotion of interdisciplinary communication and research. The Ernst Strüngmann Forum provides scientists and researchers with an environment of international creative discussion.  Dr. Webster obtained his Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Engineering at the Renssealer […]

Chemical Engineering

Jan 13, 2014

Murthy to Select Features

Chemical Engineering Associate Professor Shashi Murthy was appointed as a member of the Features Advisory Panel for the American Chemical Society’s journal Analytical Chemistry. Dr. Murthy joined Northeastern faculty in 2005 and is also secondarily an Associate Professor at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and a Faculty Fellow at the Barnett Institute of Chemical […]

Chemical Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Dec 17, 2013

Ligament Nanomedicine: New ways to treat injuries like Gronk’s

New Eng­land Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski tore both his ante­rior cru­ciate lig­a­ment and medial col­lat­eral lig­a­ments in a game two weeks ago after a defender’s jar­ring hit to his leg. The cur­rent recovery period for lig­a­ment tears is often more than a year, so the injury has ended his 2013 season and could pos­sibly affect his avail­ability […]

Chemical Engineering

Dec 02, 2013

Congratulations Radhika Barua

Radhika Barua, a Chemical Engineering Ph.D. candidate has been selected as one of two recipients of the 2013-2014 GMAG (Topical Group on Magnetism) PhD Dissertation Research Award for outstanding dissertation research in magnetism. The award includes a cash prize of $500, an additional $250 towards her travel expenses for the March meeting, and an invited talk […]

Chemical Engineering

Nov 05, 2013

A soda explosion of knowledge

To explain the con­cept of nan­otech­nology to a group of high school stu­dents, Thomas Web­ster, pro­fessor and chair of Northeastern’s Depart­ment of Chem­ical Engi­neering, pulled out a pack of Mentos. And no, he wasn’t just making sure his breath was minty fresh. First, Web­ster showed that drop­ping a Mento into a soda bottle causes the sugary drink […]

Chemical Engineering

Nov 04, 2013

Harris Given Lee Hsun Award

Electrical and Computer Engineering and Chemical Engineering Professor Vincent Harris was honored by the Institute of Metal Research with the Lee Hsun Lecture Award, for his significant contributions to the field of materials science and engineering. During his visit to the Institute of Metal Research, Prof. Harris exchanged his opinions on the research fields like non-rare-earth permanent materials […]

Chemical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering