
833 Items found

May 19, 2014

A New Type of Magnet

Chemical Engineering Professor Laura Lewis’s research into creating new supermagnets to replace rare-earth magnets was featured by the Boston Globe.  Lewis uses modern equipment to synthesise magnets that have the same properties as rare minerals, while China struggles to solve issues with control of mineral trade.

Chemical Engineering

May 13, 2014

An eye toward better treatment

Every two months, North­eastern bio­engi­neering grad­uate stu­dent David Walsh’s 91-​​year-​​old grand­mother goes to the doctor to receive a drug injec­tion into her eyes. She has wet age-​​related mac­ular degen­er­a­tion. There is no cure, only this inva­sive, recur­ring treatment. “She wor­ries a lot because she goes in, they inject her, and she leaves, and since the effect of the drugs […]

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering

Apr 09, 2014

Webster Elected President of Society for Biomaterials

ChE Professor & Chair Thomas Webster was elected to be the 2015-16 President for the Society for Biomaterials, serving as President-elect for 2014-2015. The Society for Biomaterials is the largest world-wide society focused on the design, synthesis, and evaluation of biomaterials. Current membership is 3500 persons from industry, academics and clinical sectors. The annual meeting is attended […]

Chemical Engineering

Mar 28, 2014

Excellence in Research

ChE Professor Laura Lewis is a recipient of the Northeastern Excellence in Research and Creative Activity Award which honors outstanding research of national and international significance. Dr. Lewis’ research focuses on electronic nanomaterials and magnetic materials.

Chemical Engineering

Mar 20, 2014

Congratulations to recipients of the FY15 TIER 1 Interdisciplinary Research Seed Grants

19 COE faculty were recipients of FY15 TIER 1 Interdisciplinary Research Seed Grants for 11 different projects representing over $500K dollars of investment in research.

Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Mar 19, 2014

Record Breaking Increase

The Chemical Engineering department had the LARGEST 2-year jump that US News & World Report has ever had in the history of rankings of graduate engineering programs! Under Dean Nadine Aubry's leadership, the College of Engineering also has a new record high ranking at 46 up from 57 last year, now tied with universities such […]

Chemical Engineering

Mar 03, 2014

Multipurpose Nanocrystals

ChE Professor & Chair Thomas Webster was featured in the Boston Herald for his use of nanocrystals to fix everything from potholes to cancer cells.

Chemical Engineering

Feb 14, 2014

Take 5: Questions of the heart

From studying the physics of a heart­beat to designing new car­diac dis­ease detec­tion methods, these five researchers have the heart on the brain. 1. Drop a beat To Thomas Web­ster, pro­fessor and chair of the Depart­ment of Chem­ical Engi­neering, all heart attacks are cre­ated equal. While clin­i­cians don’t always treat heart attacks with large-​​scale inter­ven­tions such as […]

Chemical Engineering