
833 Items found

Aug 09, 2013

The new American hamburger…?

Twenty six bil­lion pounds. That’s roughly how much beef Amer­i­cans con­sume each year. We get it from some 33 mil­lion cows that are largely raised in cen­tral­ized, indus­trial feed oper­a­tions that col­lec­tively use more energy, water, and land per calorie pro­duced than any other food group out there. So when I heard the news of the lab-​​grown beef the other […]

Chemical Engineering

Jul 31, 2013

The past, present, and future of nanomedicine

Each year, nearly $18 bil­lion is spent on nanomed­i­cine research. But since the field’s incep­tion more than a decade ago, little of that research, though promising, has been suc­cess­fully trans­lated into com­mer­cial products. Last weekend, more than 150 stu­dents, researchers, and industry experts from around the world con­vened to dis­cuss the chal­lenges accounting for this […]

Chemical Engineering

Jul 26, 2013

Young scholars get a taste for science in the summer

Twenty-​​four high school stu­dents lis­tened intently as civil and envi­ron­mental engi­neering assis­tant pro­fessor Matthew Eck­elman pre­sented his research on mod­eling the energy inputs and out­puts of com­mer­cial prod­ucts and processes. At the end of the lec­ture, Eck­elman revealed a sur­prising fact. “Sev­en­teen years ago I was where you are now,” he told the stu­dents, who gath­ered in […]

Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jul 19, 2013

Webster Selected Fellow

Chemical Engineering Professor and Chair of Department Thomas Webster was selected as a fellow of the Biomedical Engineering Society and his Nanomedicine Lab was featured by EBERS. EBERS Medical Technology SL is devoted to the development of equipment for cell and tissue culture. Their focus is in creating new and innovative products which help  users to improve their […]

Chemical Engineering

Jun 11, 2013

Rizvi Wins Intel Scholarship

Congratulations to Noreen Rizvi, a Chemical Engineering PhD student who won a 2013 Intel Corporation scholarship from the Society of Women Engineers, for her outstanding academic achievement as well as strong engineering potential. SWE Scholarships support women pursuing ABET-accredited baccalaureate or graduate programs in preparation for careers in engineering, engineering technology and computer science in the United […]

Chemical Engineering

Jun 01, 2013

New Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Adam Ekenseair

Assistant ProfessorDr. Adam Ekenseair joined the Department of Chemical Engineering faculty in the summer of 2013. He grew up in Northwest Arkansas and received his B.S. in Chemical Engineering at the University of Arkansas in 2005. He received his Ph.D. at the University of Texas at Austin, where he was both a National Science Foundation […]

Chemical Engineering

Jun 01, 2013

New Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Eno Ebong

Assistant ProfessorDr. Eno Ebong joined the Department of Chemical Engineering in the summer of 2013 as an assistant professor. Both the university-wide support system for the faculty and students, and the innovative and collaborative spirit both on campus and with industry, are what attracted her to Northeastern. Dr. Ebong obtained her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees […]

Chemical Engineering

May 16, 2013

How nanotechnology could keep your heart healthy

Since the heart is such a del­i­cate and crit­ical organ, clin­i­cians usu­ally opt not to inter­vene with the dead cells that remain after a heart attack or car­diac dis­ease. “But we think that all heart attacks deserve some kind of treat­ment because it puts so much stress on the rest of the heart,” said Thomas Web­ster, […]

Chemical Engineering