
833 Items found

May 10, 2013

A silky spin on protective armor

At seven times the tough­ness of Kevlar, a silk pro­duced by the Caerostris dar­wini spider of Mada­gascar is more robust than any other material—synthetic or nat­ural. Most spider silks are about two times tougher than Kevlar, and have long been con­sid­ered an intriguing alter­na­tive for bul­let­proof vests and other pro­tec­tive gear. There’s only one problem: pro­ducing spider […]

Chemical Engineering

Apr 12, 2013

Webster is Outstanding Editor

Chemical Engineering professor and chair of department Thomas Webster was awarded the Dove Press Outstanding Editor's Award for his leadership as the founder and current editor of the International Journal of Nanomedicine. Dove Medical Press is a privately held company specializing in the publication of Open Access peer-reviewed journals across the broad spectrum of science, technology and especially […]

Chemical Engineering

Apr 04, 2013

FY14 TIER 1 Award Recipients

22 COE faculty and affiliates were recipients of FY14 TIER 1 Interdisciplinary Research Seed Grants for 14 different research projects.

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Mar 11, 2013

Webster is Keynote Speaker

Chemical Engineering professor & chair of department Thomas Webster will be the keynote speaker at the NSF sponsored Columbia-US workshop on Nanotechnology in Energy and Medical Applications. The objectives of the workshop are: to explore common themes in the use of nanotechnology in energy and medicine through an interactive workshop; to cultivate research networks by facilitating planning meetings among […]

Chemical Engineering

Feb 15, 2013

Webster Named AIMBE Fellow

Chemical Engineering chair Thomas Webster was selected to be a fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering. The American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) is a non-profit organization headquartered in Washington, D.C., representing 50,000 individuals and the top 2% of medical and biological engineers. AIMBE is the authoritative voice and advocate […]

Chemical Engineering

Jan 25, 2013

Awarded for Health & Safety

Chemical Engineering Professor Ron Willey is the recipient of the Norton H. Walton/ Russell L. Miller Award in Safety/Loss Prevention which is the highest honor from the Safety and Health Division of AIChE. AIChE is the world's leading organization for chemical engineering professionals, with over 45,000 members from over 100 countries. AIChE has the breadth […]

Chemical Engineering

Dec 05, 2012

Dainty flower is relentless cancer killer in disguise

When I was in high school I read a book called Tales of a Shaman’s Appren­tice that I thought was going to define the rest of my life (I’ve always been kind of dra­matic like that). It was about dis­cov­ering the chem­ical com­pounds found in plants that cul­tures have been using for cen­turies, even mil­lennia, to treat […]

Chemical Engineering

Dec 03, 2012

A tiny electrode fuels smart bandage technology

Band-​​aid tech­nology has made incre­mental improve­ments in the years since its com­mer­cial intro­duc­tion in the late 1960s, the most impor­tant of which has been the incor­po­ra­tion of antibi­otics into the non­ad­he­sive padding. But imagine if adhe­sive ban­dages could do more than pas­sively pre­vent the growth of bac­teria — imagine if they could mon­itor a wound […]

Chemical Engineering