
833 Items found

Dec 13, 2019

Compressible Cryogels to Target Diseased Cells

ChE Assistant Professor Sidi Bencherif created a sponge-like gel that can be injected under the skin to provide medication or target certain immune cells.

Chemical Engineering

Dec 12, 2019

Webster Awarded Patent for Bacteria-Resistant Polymers

ChE Professor Thomas Webster was awarded a patent for “nanostructured bacteria-resistant polymer materials.”

Chemical Engineering

Dec 12, 2019

James Sinoimeri to Present at International Exchange with German Chemical Society (GDCh)

James Sinoimeri, E’21, will be presenting his work from ChE Assistant Professor Sidi A. Bencherif’s lab at a highly selective international exchange program of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (German Chemical Society, GDCh).

Chemical Engineering

Dec 11, 2019

Celebrating Co-op Employer Partnership with Morphic Therapeutic

Bells were ringing at the stock exchange in New York City for Northeastern co-op employer partner Morphic Therapeutic, where our engineering and science co-op students were afforded the unique experience to visit Wall Street and ring the bell for their IPO.

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering

bajpayee looking at a vial in her lab

Dec 05, 2019

Developing an Oral Time Released Drug Delivery System that Lasts a Month

BioE Assistant Professor Ambika Bajpayee is developing a drug delivery system that can remain in the stomach for weeks releasing medication slowly over the course of a month.

Chemical Engineering

andrew jones

Dec 05, 2019

Andrew Jones Receives Mutual Mentoring Advancement Program Award

ChE Assistant Professor Andrew Jones has received a Mutual Mentoring Advancement Program (M2AP) award for 2019-2020 to develop “An agile management team in systems and environmental research.”

Chemical Engineering

ChE Assistant Professor Sidi Bencherif on stage giving a talk at the 2019 World Young Scientist Summit in Wenzhou, China (Oct. 26-27).

Nov 21, 2019

Bencherif Delivered Keynote Lecture at the 2019 World Young Scientist Summit

ChE Assistant Professor Sidi Bencherif was invited to give a keynote lecture at the symposium: Opportunities and Challenges in Biomaterials Research in Wenzhou, China

Chemical Engineering

Nov 21, 2019

ChE Students Chris Meehan and Michael Parrish win Northeastern’s PEAK Ascent Award

ChE undergraduate student Chris Meehan and BioE undergraduate student Michael Parrish were awarded Northeastern’s PEAK Ascent awards.

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering