
833 Items found

Apr 20, 2023

2023 Capstone Projects

The engineering departments hosted a series of poster sessions and presentations featuring capstone projects completed by our engineering seniors.

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Apr 20, 2023

Mitra Receives Outstanding Graduate Student Award in Teaching

Chemical engineering graduate student Ronodeep Mitra, PhD’23, is the recipient of a 2023 Outstanding Graduate Student Award in Teaching, which recognizes those that have demonstrated an exceptional ability to communicate ideas and concepts in the classroom and a talent for inspiring students.

Chemical Engineering

Apr 19, 2023

Inside Rebecca Carrier’s Advanced Drug Delivery Research Lab: How a Practical Problem can Turn into One’s Life Work

ChE Professor Rebecca Carrier is researching the interactions between materials and biological systems, with a current focus on the intestinal environment and drug delivery, as well as retinal and gut epithelial repair.

Chemical Engineering

Apr 19, 2023

2023 Huntington 100 COE Recipients

The 2023 members of Northeastern University’s “Huntington 100,” a group of students selected for their outstanding achievements locally and globally, included eighteen students from the College of Engineering. The Huntington 100 are nominated by faculty, staff, advisors, coaches, employers, and fellow students. Ke Wen Chemical Engineering/Biochemistry, E’22 Gillian Audia Chemical Engineering/Biochemistry, E’23 Barkha Bhavsar Chemical […]

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Apr 10, 2023

‘You Have the Power to Make Change.’ Sustainability Trips to Brazil Earn Professor Northeastern’s First Global Educator Award

ChE Associate Teaching Professor Courtney Pfluger received Northeastern University’s inaugural 2023 Global Educator Award. The award recognizes the contributions of faculty to students’ global learning and acknowledges and celebrates the value of these experiences to Northeastern’s students and to our mission as a global university. Pfluger’s work on developing meaningful cooperative partner projects, including nine Dialogue of Civilizations visits to Brazil since 2013, made her nomination stand out.

Chemical Engineering

Rebecca Carrier

Apr 06, 2023

Carrier Receives Honorable Mention at 3-D ROC

ChE Professor Rebecca Carrier received an honorable mention during the National Eye Institute (NEI) 3-D Retina Organoid Challenge (3-D ROC). Carrier’s team created an organoid-microvessel co-culture system that proposes to add vasculature embedded in a biomimetic hydrogel to organoids to increase oxygen and nutrient flow and mimic the chemical and physical cues present in developing eye tissue.

Chemical Engineering

Apr 06, 2023

Using Spark Fund Award to Combat Chemotherapy Drug Shortages

ChE/COS Associate Professor Carolyn Lee-Parsons is using the Spark Funds she received from Northeastern’s Center for Research Innovation to develop methods to produce more plant-derived chemotherapeutic compounds to meet drug shortages.

Chemical Engineering

Apr 06, 2023

NSF CAREER Award for Examining Flow of Polymer Gels in Confined Spaces

ChE Assistant Professor Sara Hashmi was awarded a $550,000 NSF CAREER award for “in situ Polymer Gelation in Confined Flows” to examine how polymer gels flow through tight spaces to better predict clogging behavior such as blood flow through a vessel.

Chemical Engineering