
833 Items found

Oct 23, 2015

Ziemer Selected as Fellow of AIChE

ChE Professor & Associate Vice Provost for Curriculum Katherine Ziemer was selected as a Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)

Chemical Engineering

Oct 21, 2015

COE & Science Freshman Night a Success

The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) helped organize a Freshman Night for the College of Engineering and the College of Science with over 30 participating student groups.

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Oct 20, 2015

Harris Receives Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award

ECE & ChE Professor Vincent Harris is a recipient of the 2016 TMS Functional Materials Division Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award.

Chemical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering

Oct 20, 2015

3 COE Students Nominated for Rhodes and Marshall Scholarships

Logan Jackson, CEE'16, Julieta Moradei, CEE'16, and Jake Rabinowitz, ChE'16 were nominated for the prestigious Rhodes and Marshall Scholarships.

Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering

Oct 19, 2015

Global Exchange Program

ChE Chair & Professor Thomas Webster created the Global Exchange Program to combine the experiences of working abroad with research opportunities at other universities.

Chemical Engineering

Oct 16, 2015

Webster Editor of On-line Nanomedicine Book

Che Professor & Chair Thomas Webster was the editor for the new on-line book Nanomedicine published by Henry Stewart Talks. The book contains 16 chapters by NEU professors Mansoor Amiji (Pharm and ChemE), Ed Goluch (ChemE), Ke Zhang (Chemistry), and Mauro Ferrari (Houston Methodist Research Institute and ChemE).

Chemical Engineering

Oct 16, 2015

Webster appointed Overseas Director of a New China Orthopedic Research Center

ChE Professor & Chair Thomas J. Webster was appointed the Overseas Director of a new International Research Center for Translational Orthopaedics (IRCTO) in Suzhou, China.

Chemical Engineering

Oct 05, 2015

Webster and colleagues published special biomaterials conference issue

Chemical Engineering professor and chair Tom Webster, and colleagues Geetha Manivasagam from the Vellore Institute of Technology (VTIR, India) and Balasubramanian Subramanian from the CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research Institute (CSIR-CECRI, India), have published a special issue highlighting the  National Conference on Challenges in Biomaterials Research Conference jointly organized by VIT and CSIR-CECRI in India in the Intermational Journal of Nanomedicine.  More information is […]

Chemical Engineering