
833 Items found

Dec 07, 2015

Five ChE Undergraduate Students Represent Northeastern at AIChE Safety Gala

Five ChE students were invited to attend the 2015 AIChE Gala in NYC to celebrate the Center for Chemical Process Safety’s 30th anniversary. 

Chemical Engineering

Dec 04, 2015

When will Drone Delivery Become a Reality

ECE & ChE Professor Vincent Harris explains what obstacles companies must address before they can make using drones to make deliveries a reality.

Chemical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering

Dec 03, 2015

Funding Clean Technology

ChE professor Laura Lewis and ECE professor Ali Abur are on a list of innovative cleantech inititatives that might be funded by the Breakthrough Energy Coalition led by Bill Gates.

Chemical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering

Dec 02, 2015

ChemE Chair and Prof. Tom Webster to give invited talks at MRS and UMass Lowell Tripathy Memorial Symposium

ChE Chair and Prof. Tom Webster will give invited talks on Dec. 3rd at the Annual MRS Conference in Boston on starting nanomedicine companies and on Dec. 4th at the UMass Lowell Tripathy Memorial Symposium on advances in nanomedicine.  

Chemical Engineering

Nov 24, 2015

Day in the Life of a Co-op

ChE student Christina Ferrara hopes to pursue a career in product development in the food industry after spending her coop at Ocean Spray.

Chemical Engineering

Nov 23, 2015

Ben Geilich and Thomas Webster give invited talk at IEEE Nanomed Conference

BioE PhD student Ben Geilich and ChE Professor & Chair Tom Webster gave an invited talk at the IEEE Nanomedicine conference on the use of polymersomes with silver to reduce antibiotic resistance bacteria functions.

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering

Nov 23, 2015

Professor Harris Named Fellow of the AAAS

ECE & ChE Professor Vincent Harris has been named a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Chemical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering

Nov 16, 2015

ChE Capstone Project AUTOMATO: Will Chauvin, Phaethon Philbrook, & Paul Berry

ChE capstone team builds fully automated gardening system to grow vegetables at home.

Chemical Engineering