In the Media

35 Items found

Jun 08, 2017

Belmont Resident Delivered Keynote Speech at the Interdisciplinary Plant Science Symposium

ChE/COS Associate Professor Carolyn W.T. Lee-Parsons was featured in the Belmont Patch after giving the Keynote Speech at the Interdisciplinary Plant Science Symposium.

Chemical Engineering

May 24, 2017

Tom Webster on National Geographic, Episode 2

ChE Chair Tom Webster, speaking about his nanotechnology research, was featured in Episode 2 of Year Million, a National Geographic television series on what life is going to be like for humans one million years in the future. What was once conceived as science fiction is now anchored in reality. YEAR MILLION, a new six-part […]

Chemical Engineering

Dec 08, 2016

Preventing Bacterial Growth in Pipes

ChE Professor & Chair Thomas Webster was featured in the Boston Herald’s article “Kalter: A bumpy road ahead for deadly bacteria?” and will be presenting his work at the Hidden Infrastructure Symposium.

Chemical Engineering

Sep 22, 2016

Using Nanoparticles instead of Antibiotics to fight infection

PhD bioengineering student Ben Geilich was featured in the Boston Herald's article on "Nano-meds could replace antibiotics" for his research into using nanoparticles to fight infection.

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering

May 12, 2016

ChE Prof & Chair Thomas Webster’s Research in Preventing Hospital Infections Featured in The Scientist

ChE Professor & Chair Thomas Webster was featured in The Scientist for his article on "Nanoscale Defenses".

Chemical Engineering

May 01, 2016

ChE Professor and Chair Thomas Webster Featured in Boston Magazine for Research on Zika

Thomas Webster, Professor and Department Chair, Chemical Engineering and Art Zafiropoulo Chair in Engineering, is featured in Boston Magazine for his innovative research in fighting Zika with nanotechnology. With grim warnings from the CDC and the Summer Olympics occurring in virus affected Rio de Janeiro this August; Zika is on the forefront of everyone’s minds. […]

Chemical Engineering

Apr 14, 2016

ChE Professor and Chair Thomas Webster Featured on Fox 25 for Expertise on Zika

Thomas Webster, Professor and Department Chair, Chemical Engineering and Art Zafiropoulo Chair in Engineering was featured on Fox 25 to comment on the severe warning from the CDC about Zika.

Chemical Engineering

Feb 19, 2016

ChE Professor and Chair Thomas Webster Featured on WHDT World News: Zika Virus and Its Impact on Blood Donations

ChE Professor and Chair Thomas Webster was interviewed on WHDT World News to talk about the impact that the Zika virus has and will continue to have on blood donations, travel, and public health.

Chemical Engineering