
833 Items found

Jun 15, 2018

Featured New PI – Abigail Koppes, Ph.D.

ChE Assistant Professor Abigail Koppes was nominated by the New PI community (new PI slack) of over 900 folks worldwide as “Featured new PI” for the month of June.

Chemical Engineering

Jun 14, 2018

Summer ChE Trip

ChE Assistant Teaching Professor Courtney Pfluger traveled to Brazil with 22 students for a Dialogue of Civilizations in Summer 1. The focus of this Dialogue was on Sustainable Energy and how Brazil has been able to supply over 80% of its electrical grid with sustainable sources and technologies. We met with Brazilian companies and political […]

Chemical Engineering

Jun 13, 2018

Bio-Techne To Acquire Quad Technologies

Bio-Techne will acquire the spinout company Quad Technologies, which was co-founded by ChE Professor Shashi Murthy, Sean Kevlahan (PhD ’13), Adam Hatch (PhD ’14), and Brian Plouffe (PhD ’11).

Chemical Engineering

Jun 12, 2018

The Modern Classroom

Instead of writing on a board, ChE Associate Professor Steve Lustig projects equations he writes on his iPad Pro, allowing him to interact better with his students. Source: News @ Northeastern Steve Lustig is never going back to chalk. Several years ago, the associate professor of chemical engineering ditched the classroom staple in favor of […]

Chemical Engineering

Jun 12, 2018

Bencherif's Research Selected for Funding by Burroughs Wellcome Fund

ChE Assistant Professor Sidi A. Bencherif received funding from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund for “Cryogel-supported liver-on-a-chip for ex-vivo hepatotoxicity and anticancer drug screening”.

Chemical Engineering

Jun 12, 2018

Climate Dialogue to Peru & Brazil completes last two phases

CEE Professor Auroop Ganguly explains what his group of students on a Dialogue of Civilizations on Climate Change Science and Policy did for the second half of their trip.

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jun 04, 2018

Building a Better Battery

ChE Assistant Professor Joshua Gallaway is trying to create a new style of battery that can not only store energy created by renewable power but has a long life, high energy output, and doesn't cost a lot. Source: News @ Northeastern Northeastern electrochemist Joshua Gallaway is trying to build a better battery. It’s not as […]

Chemical Engineering

May 24, 2018

Jones Awarded Center for Biofilm Engineering Young Investigator Award

ChE & MIE Future Faculty Fellow A-Andrew Jones received a Young Investigator Award from the Montana State University’s Center for Biofilm Engineering for his doctoral work entitled “Shear stress mediates metabolism and growth in electroactive biofilms”.

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering