Department Directory

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10 Items found
Nora Salmon

Nora Salmon

Assistant Co-op Coordinator, 
Cooperative Education

Behrooz Satvat

Teaching Professor, 
Chemical Engineering

Engineering education, development of new applied mathematics courses for chemical engineering students. Mentors graduate and undergraduate students. Research in the field of separation technologies, thermodynamics and reaction engineering.
Hannah Sayre

Hannah Sayre

Assistant Professor, 
jointly appointed in Chemistry and Chemical Biology & Chemical Engineering

Design photocatalysts to improve efficiency and reactivity. Understand light-activated chemical reactions with time-resolved spectroscopy.

Max Sederer

Associate Co-op Coordinator, 
Cooperative Education

Rebecca Sherbo

Rebecca Sherbo

Assistant Professor, 
jointly appointed in Chemistry and Chemical Biology & Chemical Engineering

Electrochemical and biological ways to make important chemical products from gases and renewable energy

Mrityunjay Singh

Affiliated Faculty, 
Chemical Engineering

Aerospace materials, alternative and renewable energy materials and systems, energy storage and thermal management, bioinspired materials, additive manufacturing, advanced ceramics and composites

Eduardo Sontag

University Distinguished Professor, 
jointly appointed in Electrical and Computer Engineering & Bioengineering

Feedback control theory, systems biology, cancer, and biomedicine

Srinivas Sridhar

Affiliated Faculty, 

nanomedicine; neurotechnology; drug delivery, MRI imaging

Ming Su

Chemical Engineering

Biosensing, nanomedicines, nanoparticles, nano enhanced process
Nikita Sugak

Nikita Sugak

Postdoctoral Research Associate, 
Chemical Engineering