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7 Items found

George Hadjipanayis

Affiliated Faculty, 
Chemical Engineering

hard magnetic materials with a focus on high performance permanent magnets and magnetic nanoparticles for storage media and biomedical applications.

Vincent G. Harris

University Distinguished Professor and William Lincoln Smith Chair Professor, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Functional materials used in high frequency applications such as sensors, radar, and communication platforms, and nanotechnology, power electronics, and medical diagnostics and therapeutics

Sara M. Hashmi

Assistant Professor, 
Chemical Engineering

Complex fluids, biomaterials & soft materials: manipulation of nanoscale and single-particle properties to control macroscale transport & assembly; microfluidics for biomedical, pharmaceutical & energy applications
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Terry Holden

Special Assistant & Project Manager, 
Chemical Engineering

Kate Honda

Kate Gurnon Honda

Director of Chemical Engineering Laboratories, 
Chemical Engineering

Francisco Hung

Associate Professor, 
Chemical Engineering

Molecular modeling and process simulation of interfacial/nanoconfined systems and mixtures relevant to separations, development of nano/bio-materials, energy and the environment