Annabi Receives C-DOCTOR Funding for Development of Dental Applications Biomaterial

ChE Assistant Professor Nasim Annabi received a $150K grant from the Center for Dental, Oral, & Craniofacial Tissue & Organ Regeneration (C-DOCTOR) for a project entitled "An osteoconductive growth factor-free antimicrobial adhesive for treatment of peri-implantitis”. This funding will support the clinical translation of innovative technologies developed in Annabi’s lab for the regeneration of dental and craniofacial tissues.

C-DOCTOR represents a partnership among several California institutions, which joined forces after the funding of R34 grants from the National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research to teams headed by faculty at USC, UC San Francisco/Berkeley/Davis, and UCLA & Stanford. C-DOCTOR seeks to recruit interdisciplinary translational project (ITP) teams from universities and industry nationwide that align with their clinical indication priorities in dental, oral, and craniofacial tissue engineering/regenerative medicine.

Related Departments:Chemical Engineering